How do I see the repurchase rate of a product?

While it isn't currently possible to see the repurchase rate of a product, it is, however, possible to use the segmenting system to gain some insights about customer purchasing patterns. 

Using Metorik we can see how many people who purchased product x, went on to purchase product y. 

A few caveats:

  • This method can't be used to find out how many people who purchased product x, went on to purchase product x again. The second product must be a different product.
  • You won't be able to know in which specific subsequent order the customer purchased product y. Only that after first purchasing product x, the customer went on to purchase product y. They could have purchased product y in their 2nd, 3rd, 4th... order.
  • There might have been other products purchased in the first order with product x. Similarly, there may have been other products purchased in the subsequent order with product y.

Ok, lets jump right in:

1. Head to your customer segmenting page. Select the First Product(s) Purchased filter and select your product x. I've chosen The Heart Of The Matter. 

2. Add the filter Order Count and set the value to greater than 1. 

3. Click the Save Segment button to save it as a custom segment. I've called mine First Product - Heart Of Matter

4. Head to your order segmenting page. Select the Customer In Segment filter, and select the custom segment we just saved.

5. Select the Order Products filter and select your product y. I've chosen Deliverance.

6. The resulting segment will be a list of orders containing the product Deliverance (y), and the customer who made that order, purchased the product Heart of the Matter (x) in their first-ever order. So for example, my list contains order #965:

7. If we click on it, we can see that it, in fact, has the product Deliverance:

8. And if we head to the customer's profile, and click on their first order (#1006):

We can see it contains The Heart Of The Matter:

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