How does Metorik calculate my monthly price?

Metorik's pricing is based off your store's order volume. As your grow (or shrink) in terms of how many orders you have per month, the price of Metorik changes. This is all completely automated, so there's nothing you need to do each month.

That being said, while your price can go up and down each month, we'll email you a week before to warn you if we think it's likely you'll change plans. We'll also email you again when the plan actually changes. You can also view your subscription page at any time to see what price you're paying and if it looks like you'll move plans next month. That way, you're never left in the dark wondering why the price has changed.

So how does it work?

Once you connect your WooCommerce store to your Metorik account, we automatically look at your average monthly order count over the past 3 months and charge you based on that figure. So for example, let's say your orders for the past 3 months were:

  • January: 450 orders
  • February: 480 orders
  • March: 510 orders

The average monthly orders of those 3 months is 480 orders. You would, therefore, be put into our $50/month plan.

3 months later, your orders for the past 3 months look like this:

  • April: 1,450 orders
  • May: 1,800 orders
  • June: 1,650 orders

The average monthly orders for those 3 months is 1,600 orders. As such, you will automatically be moved into our $100/month plan for that month.

And don't worry, if your average monthly order total dropped back down to below 500 orders/month in the future, you will automatically be moved down to the $50/month plan.

If you have multiple WooCommerce stores connected, the pricing will work exactly the same, but we will use the average monthly order volume of all your connected stores to calculate your monthly order average.

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