Product Refunds

Metorik's product reports are similar to the revenue report, in that sales are counted at the time they happen, while refunds are deducted at the time the refund happened.

So for example, if you sold a product in October 2019 to someone for $50, but then in November 2019, you refunded them for that product, the sales numbers for the product would be:

  • October 2019: 1 sold for $50 net revenue
  • November 2019: -1 sold for -$50 net revenue

In order for your product's net revenue numbers to be accurate, it's important to make sure that you refund line items when creating a refund.

Refunding line items in WooCommerce

When creating the refund in WooCommerce, be sure to set either the quantity being refunded, or an amount for the line item to refund, like so:

Refunding line items in Shopify

When creating the refund in Shopify, be sure to set the quantity being refunded, like so:

What if you don't refund line items?

Metorik will then count the sale of the product, but not the refund, as we don't have enough data to know the product itself was refunded.

However, if you would like to completely exclude orders with the REFUNDED status from product reports, so we completely ignore both the sale and refund of the products in the order, you can do so in your store's report settings:

Note: Up until September 2020, we excluded orders with the REFUNDED status from product reports. Now these orders are included by default, unless you change the report setting.

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