Metorik & WooCommerce Terminology

Net Revenue: Gross sales less refunds made in the current period. Taxes, fees, and shipping are also normally deducted (depending on your store report settings). 

Net Sales: Gross sales less refunds for orders made in the current period. Taxes, fees, and shipping are also normally deducted (depending on your store report settings). The main difference between this and net revenue is that refunds are deducted regardless of when they happened, as long as the order itself happened in the current period. For more, see this help doc.

Gross Sales: The total amount of an order. This is usually the amount you received when the order was first made. Discounts are not in this number and taken out before.

Discounts: Normally in the form of a coupon.

Customers: Any one who either registered or checked out as a guest on your store. Metorik automatically groups guest orders into customer profiles (more on this here). Depending on your store report settings, reports will normally exclude customers who have spent $0.

LTV / Customer Total Spent: The total gross orders made by a customer less total refunds. Eg. If the customer made 2x orders for $100 total but had $30 refunded, their LTV would be $70.

MRR / Monthly Recurring Revenue: How much revenue you can expect to get each month from a subscription or multiple subscriptions.

ARR / Annual Recurring Revenue: How much revenue you can expect to get each year (12 months) from a subscription or multiple subscriptions.

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