Metorik Integration: Groove

Metorik offers a 2-way integration with Groove Support.

To get started, head to your store's integration settings page. You'll find Groove listed there:

After clicking Connect, you'll be prompted for your Groove API Token, which Metorik uses to find and create your tickets in Groove:

  1. First enter your Groove Subdomain, which you can find by visiting the Groove dashboard and copying the text at the start of the URL before (don't include the https:// part).
  2. Then click the Get Here text to open your Groove API settings (found under Settings > More > Webhooks & API > API in your Groove Settings

Copy the Private Token from Groove to Metorik and click the Connect Groove button to save.

Now whenever you visit a customer, order, or subscription page in Metorik, you'll find two new areas:

1. The customer's tickets (under their email). Will only display if they have some.

2. A form to create a new ticket (in Groove) for that customer:

When a Groove ticket is created through Metorik, the status will be closed. If you want to have control over this in the future, please let us know and we will consider adding a dropdown for it.

You can choose both the Mailbox and the Send From when creating a ticket.

The second part of the integration is an app that lives inside Groove, which shows you information from Metorik about the customer you're talking to. Stats like their total spend, average order, etc.

To set it up, again, head to your store's integration settings page. Down the bottom, you'll find the External Apps area, with Groove listed towards the end:

Click the Install App button. It will open up a popup with installation steps, which are pretty simple but will involve a couple steps inside Groove:

Basically, you need to do the following:

Login to your Groove Dashboard

    • Head to settings > Custom Profile
    • If not yet set up, select create Custom Profile
    • Toggle the slider to enable custom profile
    • The settings are then in that popup.

The settings are then in that popup. You can just click each one and it will copy it for you, which you can then paste into Groove

Now whenever viewing a ticket in Groove, if the customer exists in Metorik, you'll see some details about them in the right sidebar:

Please keep in mind the following:

The custom profile data will only update after you receive a new message from the customer. It won't automatically be applied to existing tickets and there is currently no way to manually fetch data.

Groove hopes to improve this in the future.

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