Metorik Helper V2

The Metorik Helper plugin version 2 was released in August 2024 with some significant improvements. You can upgrade via your store's wp-admin, or download the latest version from

If you experience any issues while upgrading, please send us an email at

What's new/changed:

  • We've overhauled the cart tracking feature in the Metorik Helper. The new method is faster and more reliable, making use of WooCommerce internal hooks instead of front-end javascript. This significantly improves the performance of the feature and improves compatibility with different checkout setups and third-party plugins.

  • We've added WooCommerce Blocks support for all features of the Metorik Helper plugin, including prompting to save a cart when adding an item to cart as well as during the checkout (via a new opt-in/opt-out checkbox), cart restoration and source tracking. To take full advantage of Woo Blocks support with Metorik, please make sure to upgrade to WooCommerce 9.1 or higher. Additionally, make sure to visit your Metorik dashboard's Cart Settings page to enable some new settings for WooCommerce blocks integration:

  • We've made several improvements to the cart restoration feature. Cart restoration will now restore the customer's first name and e-mail into the checkout flow when possible.

  • We've made several improvements to the source tracking system. We've removed the reliance on hidden fields in the checkout process, which makes the system more performant and improves compatibility with different checkout setups and third-party plugins.

  • We've added several action hooks and filters to allow for further customization of the helper's behaviour. The following hooks were added:
    • metorik_cart_tracking_enabled is a new filter that can be used to return a boolean to control if the cart tracking feature should be enabled or disabled. This can be handy for dynamically turning the feature on or off based on user consent.
    • metorik_source_tracking_enabled was a filter in previous versions but it was updated in this version to fully toggle enabling/disabling the source tracking feature (previously it only affected recording the source tracking but would still create cookies in the customer's browser - now it fully disables the feature if set to false )
    • metorik_source_tracking_cookie_name is a new filter that can be used to change the name of the cookie used for the source tracking filter.
    • metorik_cart_tracking_opt_in_checkbox_enabled is a new filter to determine if the WooCommerce Blocks checkout should show a cart tracking opt-in. This will override the setting you set in your Metorik Cart Settings (as per the screenshot above)
    • metorik_cart_tracking_opt_in_checkbox_label is a new filter to change the label of the opt-in checkbox in the WooCommerce Blocks checkout. This will override the setting you set in your Metorik Cart Settings (as per the screenshot above)
    • metorik_initate_cart_sync_events is a new filter allows you to modify the WooCommerce hooks that trigger Metorik to sync cart events for the Cart Tracking feature. This more advanced filter can be used for advanced data syncing needs if you have a custom checkout flow.
    • metorik_synced_cart is a new action hook that fires whenever a cart is synced to Metorik. The hooks only parameter is the cart data that was synced. This hook can be handy for debugging purposes.
    • metorik_acp_placement is a new filter to control the placement of the "add to cart popup" that prompts customers to save their e-mail for cart tracking purposes. The default value is bottom but you can change this to top/left/right according to your site's needs.
    • metorik_acp_should_mark_as_seen is a new filter to control if the "add to cart popup" that prompts customers to save their e-mail for cart tracking purposes should be marked as seen (and thus not popup again) after the first time it's seen. If set to false , then the popup will be shown on every add to cart event until the customer enters their e-mail address.
    • metorik_acp_form_selectors is a new filter to modify which css selectors prompt the "add to cart popup" that prompts customers to save their e-mail for cart tracking purposes. This can be handy to use if you have a theme that doesn't use the default WooCommerce selectors for these buttons.
    • metorik_cart_recovery_allowed_url_params is a new filter added in version 2.0.3 that allows you to control which parameters will be "passed along" during the cart recovery process. This can be handy if you need to add additional query parameters in your cart recovery links.
    • metorik_acp_should_scroll_to is a new filter added in version 2.0.4 that controls if the browser should auto-scroll to the "add to cart popup" that prompts customers to save their e-mail for cart tracking purposes when it's loaded. By default it is set to true

  • The metorik_send_cart_fragments hook was removed in the updated plugin as it is no longer relevant to how the cart tracking works. If you were applying a filter to it, you may want to remove your code that was doing so.

  • We've bundled in several other minor improvements around performance and reliability into the new version of the Metorik Helper.

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