Metorik Integration: Help Scout

Metorik offers a 2-way integration with Help Scout.

Firstly, there's the Metorik app for Help Scout. In a few steps, you can have it set up and displaying your Metorik customer data right in Help Scout.

To begin, click the following link to install the Metorik app in your Help Scout account: Install the Metorik App

On the left of the page, hit the Install App button:

You'll then be asked for an API Token.

You can get this from your  Metorik store's integration settings page:

Enter that token and save.

Now go to a conversation in Help Scout. If the email of the user matches a customer or order in Metorik, an abundance of useful data about that user will appear on the right side of the conversation.

What you see for the customer will depend on if they're a customer or guest, and what data they've provided you (eg. phone number) and how many orders they've made.

Multiple instances & mailboxes

If you have multiple mailboxes in Help Scout, each representing a different store, you can add multiple 'instances' of the Metorik app to your Help Scout account. Simply set it up and choose the mailbox its for, and use the matching store's API key from Metorik.

Then when you're ready to add the second, go to the app settings in Help Scout and click the 'New Account' link:

That will enable you to add a second API key from Metorik, and choose the Mailbox it should work. You can repeat this process as many times as you'd like.

The second part of the Help Scout integration brings Help Scout data into Metorik itself.

To start, go to your  Metorik store's integration settings page. Click the Connect button for the Help Scout integration and you'll be sent to Help Scout to authorize Metorik:

Click Authorize and you'll be sent back to Metorik.

You'll then be able to see conversations you've had with customers in their Metorik customer profiles and orders:

You'll also be able to start conversations with customers from Metorik customer profiles and orders:

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