My Metorik user account has been compromised
If you have reason to believe your Metorik user account has been compromised (someone else may have access to it and you don't want them to), we'd recommend you take these steps immediately:
- Change the password of your user account and add 2FA in your user settings.
- Invite a new email you have to be an admin of your store in the store team settings.
- Log out of Metorik for the 'old account'.
- Accept the invite from the new email (and make a new Metorik account).
- Log out of Metorik for the 'new account'.
- Log in to the old account, go to the company settings, and transfer ownership to your new account (see Transferring Company / Store Ownership).
- Log out of Metorik for the 'old account'.
- Log in to the new account and then delete the old account's store access from the store team settings.
- On the new account, make sure you have a secure password set and add 2FA in the user settings (more information on 2FA can be found here).