Metorik, GDPR, and Privacy

To exercise your rights under GDPR and send a request to Metorik, please contact us by email.

To read more a detailed overview of Metorik's Privacy Policy and commitment to the Australian Privacy Act, GDPR, your data, your store's data, and your store's customers' data, please view our Privacy Policy here.

Even though Metorik is based in Australia, we strive to comply with the EU's GDPR for our EU users. Here is some information and answers that may be useful. If you have any further questions, it's best to contact us by email.

What are your details?

UJU Pty. Ltd. is an Australia company trading as Metorik, formed in 2016.

What are the contract terms?

During a trial, you are under no contract. When subscribed monthly, you are on a monthly contract but can cancel at any time. When subscribed annually, you are on a yearly (12 months) contract but can cancel at any time.

What personal data is held by Metorik?

  • Your team member names and email addresses.
  • Your store's order/customer/product data (most of the data you have in 'WooCommerce' or in 'Shopify' in your store's admin).

How can I exercise my GDPR rights, like request my data is deleted?

You can contact us by email.

Where is data stored and processed?

Currently, all data is stored in the United States (our hosting provider Linode is GDPR compliant), while some encrypted backups are stored in the EU and Australia. All backups that we store are deleted after a short period of time and are fully encrypted.

Later we may give you the choice of where the data is stored.

How do you handle deleting data?

Data deleted on your end should be deleted in Metorik immediately. So if you delete a customer from your store, they should then be deleted from Metorik in real-time.

You have the ability to delete your store from Metorik at any point from the company settings page. In that moment, your store's database and all its Metorik data is deleted.

If you don't manually delete your store, but your trial or subscription has ended, it will automatically be deleted after a short period of time.

You may also contact us at any time to have your data deleted.

If I use WooCommerce or Shopify's GDPR tools for deleting personal data, will it be deleted in Metorik too?

That order and customer data should automatically be cleared on our end, once it's cleared within your eCommerce store. However, if you find differently or want us to check, please let us know and we can check. You can contact us by email for help with this.

What measures to you have in place to protect data?

As much of your data as possible is encrypted. Additionally, we have a number of security measures in place and also encourage you to set up two-factor authentication on your Metorik account. 

Additionally, Metorik keeps all of your store's data completely isolated from other stores in its own database.

What 3rd parties do you share data with?

This is only in reference to your Metorik account profile data, not your store data. The account details and IP address that we collect from you are stored on our secure servers in the United States of America, by our hosting provider Linode. All the personal data we collect from you may be processed by our staff or those of our service providers:

  • Linode (Servers)
  • AWS (Servers)
  • Stripe (Payment)
  • GSuite (Google Apps)
  • Help Scout (Email Support)
  • ProfitWell (Reporting)
  • Google Analytics (Reporting)
  • Google Advertising
  • Microsoft Advertising

What access controls do you have in place?

Metorik is a very small organisation with ~5 employees, so access to any data is very limited. On top of that, there are a variety of measures in place to ensure appropriate access, including 2FA and access being limited by IP (security proxy).

How about the Metorik Helper plugin?

The Metorik Helper plugin that you opt to install during the setup process serves two core purposes:

  • Facilitates the connection between Metorik and your store.
  • Tracks where customers come from (for your Metorik reports).

In reference to the source tracking, the Metorik Helper plugin will store a cookie in the browsers of your customers when they first come to your site. When they check out, the cookie read and the Metorik Helper plugin stores some information from it in the order data. This all happens on your site and is stored in your database. Later when the order appears in Metorik, we will check for and store this data.

The Helper plugin stores data in the following cookies:

  • sbjs_current
  • sbjs_current_add
  • sbjs_first
  • sbjs_first_add
  • sbjs_session
  • sbjs_udata
  • sbjs_promo
  • mtk_src_trk

If you'd prefer, you can disable the Metorik Helper source tracking code. To do so, follow the steps found at the bottom of the source tracking help doc, and reach out to our support if you need help.

What are my obligations as a store using Metorik?

Metorik offers a number of tools that you may need to communicate with your customers about, including the source tracking mentioned above and more specifically, Metorik Engage, which allows you to send automatic emails to customers. We've tried to help you comply with GDPR here, by allowing you to import a list of emails that should be unsubscribed, allowing customers to unsubscribe in one-click from any automatic emails they get, and allowing you to export unsubscribed customer emails easily.

Can I sign a DPA?

Send us an email and we will send you one that you can sign.

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