Shopify: Removing additional details from packing slips or shipping labels

When you install Metorik onto your Shopify store, we install a script in order to provide source tracking reports and track Engage conversions.

Metorik will store this source data in the customer's shopping cart data. If that cart is placed and turns into an order, we will then store the fields in the the order's additional details area (sometimes known as note attributes).

This is the location where apps like Metorik need to store custom order data. When this data has been stored on an order, you'll see it on the right side of a single order page in Shopify:

By default, some shipping apps like ShipStation will automatically add these fields to your packing slips or shipping labels. To remove these, you just need to edit the template that is being used for the packing slip or shipping label. We will show you how to do this using ShipStation, but the same logic can be applied to any app which allows you to edit the HTML of a template.

We have this order with the following UTM parameters:

In Shipstation, these fields are being stored in the Note from Buyer Section:

So to ensure it's not displayed, we just need to make sure the packing slip template doesn't include this field.

The default packing slip template in ShipStation shouldn't include the field, but if your does, you just need to edit the template and delete the Note From Buyers field.

In ShipStation, click the cog in the top right-hand corner to navigate to your settings:

And then navigate to Email Templates > Packing Slips:

Select the packing slip template and find the area which contains the [Note From Buyer] tag:

Now just delete the tag and it will no longer show the fields in the packing slip.

That's it! If for some reason you want Metorik to stop adding those fields to your orders altogether, follow the steps in this post.

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