Setting Costs in Metorik
Metorik offers a robust solution for managing your product and other costs directly within Metorik. This allows you to see your COGS on a product/variation level, on all your orders, and of course, see your profit.
To get started, head to the costs section.
In this article
Part 1: Set Product Costs
Importing costs from WooCommerce/Shopify:
If you're setting up Metorik's costs system for the first time, and you already have products costs set in your WooCommerce or Shopify store, you can click the 'Import from WooCommerce/Shopify' button to import your costs:
You can only import from WooCommerce if you're using the official WooCommerce COGS Plugin.
We get the costs that you have set on products and variants directly in Shopify.
This will automatically begin the import. We will send you an email when it's done:
Going forward, you can update costs inside of Metorik (as described below). However, if you'd like to automatically import costs from WooCommerce or Shopify, that's possible too by enabling the auto-sync option.
Auto-syncing can be turned on and off at any time from the Cost Tools page. More information on the auto-sync tool can be found here.
Setting products costs manually:
If you don't already have products costs set (or want to set them manually), you can click the 'Set Products Costs' button to set them manually.
There are two pages for this. The product costs page and the variation costs page.

You have a few tools at your disposal to make setting the costs simple and easy:
1. Metorik's segmenting system — if you want to only see a subset of your products, you can segment to only display those specific products.
2. Simple search — just enter in the name of a product and it will show below.
3. Show products without a cost — this will filter the list to only show products without a cost set. This is handy down the line when you have some products that have a cost already set and some without.
4. Bulk import costs — click the "Bulk Import Costs" button to upload a CSV containing all your products and costs. Optionally you can export a CSV template to enter the costs into.
The CSV does not need to contain all products. We will just try to match and update any included products in the uploaded CSV (products not included in the CSV or those that can't be matched will be ignored).
Part 2: Set Other Costs
Of course, an order might consist of some additional costs such as shipping costs, transaction costs, and another extra cost that might be specific to your store. You can add these in this section. These are completely optional.
Shipping costs
Manage shipping costs here.
You can set 3 different types of shipping costs:
- Based on the shipping country (or billing country, if the order has no shipping country).
- Based on the shipping method.
- A blanket cost applied to all orders with shipping.
These rules are applied in a hierarchical order. Metorik will look to apply a country rule — if this doesn't exist, it will then look for a method rule — and if there is no method rule, it will apply a backup rule.
For each rule, you can set 3 optional parameters to define the cost:
- Weight cost (per kg/lb/oz/g).
- Handling cost (flat $ amount).
- % of order total cost (% amount).
About Weight Costs
With the weight cost, we will try to calculate the weight of the order, by using the weights set for each product/variation in an order.
For WooCommerce, you should have a weight unit defined in the WooCommerce settings (eg. kg/lb/oz/g). Metorik will automatically sync this weight unit and use it when calculating the weight of orders. If you change this setting in WooCommerce, you should sync the default weight unit using the tool at the top of the shipping cost settings page.
For Shopify, each product/variation can have it's own specific weight and weight unit used, so we will use that value.
You do not have to set weight costs using the same weight unit as your store. We will automatically calculate the cost and weight unit and convert between different weight units.
Country Rules
For a country rule, simply select the country and then add the shipping cost associated:
Shipping Method Rules
You can select a shipping method from the dropdown of possible shipping method titles:
Then you can add a cost for orders with that method:
If an order has multiple shipping lines, and you've set a cost for each of the shipping methods in the order, we'll get the cost for each method in the order and add it up all together.
WooCommerce: If you have the real cost stored in a custom field, you can click the 'get cost from a custom field' button and enter it in the field:
With this setting, you need to get the real cost stored in your custom fields/meta for the order. Perhaps the shipping plugin you are using can do this, or if you use a fulfillment provider like ShipStation they may be setting it on an order.
Backup Rules
Backup rules are designed as a catch-all in case there are no country or method rules set. You can use this method if you just want to apply a global shipping cost to all orders that contain shipping. You can choose either a fixed cost or a percentage cost:
Transaction costs
Manage transaction costs here.
Next, you can set a cost for all the different transaction methods you offer your customers:
If the real cost is set in a custom field in WooCommerce, you can set the field (or choose the recommended one if you aren't sure) and we'll use the real transaction cost.
For PayPal and WooCommerce Payments, this cost is normally stored in the order's currency, so we'll convert it into your store's currency as costs are done in your store's Metorik currency. If you use a different payment method that also needs to be converted, let us know and we can add support for it.
Please note that for the enabled payment methods to show there needs to be a least one Order that has used that method, as otherwise we don't know which payment methods exist.
Extra costs
Manage extra costs here.
If you have an additional cost that should be applied to all orders, you can add this here too. For example, maybe an order handling cost or an estimated advertising cost.
Your extra cost can also vary depending on how many items are in the order. This is handy if you want to add a handling fee for every item in the order. So for example, add 50c for every item in the order:
WooCommerce stores can set a custom field to get the 'extra cost' from instead.
Advertising costs
Manage advertising costs here.
Advertising costs are different to other costs, such as product/shipping costs, as advertising costs are stored and calculated on an overall basis, while product costs are stored and calculated on each order individually.
More info about syncing advertising costs can be found in this help doc.
Part 3: Externally Calculated Costs
For WooCommerce stores only: If you prefer to calculate costs on your end and store them in custom fields, you can configure Metorik to use these instead.
This is different from the custom fields settings above, as with this method, all your costs including product costs are calculated and stored externally in your WooCommerce store, and then we will sync those costs to our reports.
For more information, check out this help doc.
Part 4: Calculate for Existing Orders
Metorik will automatically apply the costs you have just set to all future orders. However, all of your existing orders won't have these costs applied yet.
Click the Calculate button to apply these new costs to all previous orders:
You can run this tool at any time from the cost tools page.
You'll be given the choice between calculating costs only on orders that are missing a cost or on all orders (overriding previous costs). You can also choose to run the tool on orders from all time or just orders created after a certain date.
If you to choose to calculate costs for all orders (overriding previous costs), you can choose which costs should be recalculated. This can be useful for example if you only want to recalculate transaction costs while leaving other historical costs as they are.
Metorik will send you an email when it is done calculating order costs.
Wrapping up
And that's it, all your costs are now set. You can head to the costs page at any point to update any of the costs. Now you will have access to Metorik's Profit Reports.