Why don't the totals in WooCommerce reports match Metorik reports?

Store admin? Check out the report settings here. As you change them, Metorik will show you what last month's sales would be so you can compare that to WooCommerce.

You'll likely find that the totals in WooCommerce reports don't match the totals in Metorik reports. This is due to a number of reasons, which we'll outline below:

  • Multiple currencies - the rates we're using may not match the rates your store is using. Both amounts will be inaccurate, so it's recommended you filter your data by currency to get the raw, more accurate amounts.
  • Timezones - as the document explains, Metorik handles timezones a little bit better than WooCommerce, especially in cases where your store's timezone has changed over time.
  • Excluded order statuses - Metorik allows you to customise the order statuses excluded from reports (unlike WooCommerce), so if you're excluding statuses besides failed, cancelled and pending, it's likely that the report totals won't match up as WooCommerce is including statuses that you've excluded.
  • The 'date type' used for reports - By default, we'd use the 'created date', but if you change this, it can change what orders are included in reports, since not all orders have the other dates set. Eg. If you change it to 'paid date' but an order doesn't have a paid date set, it wouldn't be in the report (more on order date types here).
  • Gross sales - WooCommerce deducts refunds when calculating gross sales. This is incorrect and bad practice, so Metorik does not deduct refunds when calculating gross sales, but rather deducts them from gross sales when calculating net sales.
  • Net sales - Metorik allows you to customise what should be deducted from gross sales to determine net sales, unlike WooCommerce. Additionally, Metorik offers 2 reports related to net sales - the revenue report and the orders report. Both have differences so it's worth reading this help doc to understand them.
  • Guests treated as customers - Metorik treats guests as customers, so your customer numbers will almost definitely be higher in Metorik. We also give you control in the store settings over whether or not customers that haven't made any orders should be included in reports. More on the difference between guests and customers here.


There can be a variety of reasons for discrepancies, usually, it is to do with Statuses being included/excluded from reports, or how the Refunds are being handled, but there could be other reasons.

We have a list of possible reasons for a difference here

In general, we recommend sticking to one platform to base your stats on as there is likely always going to be some level of difference.  You can see that the Gross Sales for example are calculated differently across the platforms.

Of course, we want you to have full confidence in Metorik's reporting so we'll definitely help to find the reason for the difference.

Narrow down the discrepancy

It's always best to break it down into as smaller time frame as possible (i.e 1 or 2 days) so that we can look at the exact orders that make up a total and explain any discrepancies.

The first thing to do would be to find a particular day within a period that you can see a difference, we can then look at each order that makes up the number from the Revenue report page and see why there is a difference

You can click through to see all the Orders that are used to make up the numbers, and you can also Export these Orders.

It's also worth noting here how Metorik handles refunds.... we do it in two ways which you can read about here Revenue and Order reports and there is full explanation of the Refunds and the Refunds report here.

Further help

This often is enough to see why there maybe a difference however if it still isn't clear we can compare them directly with the WooCommerce Orders that are being used.

To do this you can export the Orders from the particular date you are looking at from within your WooCommerce store directly, and then open a support ticket with us attaching the Orders export file so we can take a further look.

There is always a valid reason we just need to narrow it down first and then we can get it cleared up for you asap!

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